publication date: Apr 10, 2010
author/source: Olivia Coates
Here come The Monies, by Simon Knock and John Mariani, is an interesting
adventure about a family of
coins who, as change from a famous
sweet shop, begin their
journey from pocket to pocket and shop to shop, until they
tumble out of a lorry driver's pocket into the
gutter at the side of the road.
Mummy and Daddy, Tenpence, Fivepence and Tuppence, all
scatter on the road, but unfortunately
Daddy Monies can't stop and
falls into a drain! He is eventually
saved by a young boy and his
granddad, who use the little boy's
bubble gum and the old man's
walking stick to save Daddy Monies.
Reunited, the
Monies journey with the young boy and his granddad,
back to the sweet shop, where they
purchase some replacement
bubble gum and some sherbet pips, coming to
£1.67, exactly the
combined amount of the
Monies family. They are
returned to the home they love in
Mr Brown's sweet shop
This book is part of an exciting
new series, that
four and a half year old Liv would be keen to read more of. She enjoyed the
bold colourful pictures and the
funny faces each member of the
Monies family had. (Especially the goggly eyes!)
Here Come The Monies will be a hit with children of Liv's age as it is
very entertaining, colourful and adventurous.
The Monies: Here Come the Monies!
is available from Amazon - just
click the link.