publication date: Sep 22, 2012
author/source: Alex Bell
My Reward Chart Book by
Priddy Books is a brightly coloured, well
designed spiral bound book full of
activity sheets, reward charts and
information about being polite, eating vegetables,
putting toys away, making
your bed, playing and sharing,
going to bed on time and taking care of pets to
name but a few.
Each "
life skill" has an
activity sheet and
stickers and there are
20 reward charts and lots of
colourful stickers plus
certificates to award for completing the reward charts.
reward chart has space for
three activities and the days of the week, I
have scanned the
charts so I can print them for
future use as the themes
bright colours are attractive and with
600 stickers in the
book it makes it
good value for money.
The charts are themed
space, pirate, princess and animals
so there should be one for every taste.
Pippa really loves the
activities and exercises encouraging good behaviour but has
little interest in
translating this to the
star chart! In contrast, big brother Toby, thinks "the
exercises are for young children" but enjoys choosing his
star chart activities
and completing them. As he told me "Children have to learn responsibility and I
am starting that with my chart." I
've got a feeling that
starting school
could change Pippa's enthusiasm for
sticker charts and rewards and the timing
My Reward Chart Book is well placed.
PWT rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ My Reward Chart Book
is available from Amazon,