publication date: May 10, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

We all know how
ageing dark circles and puffiness
under the eyes can be so I was keen to try out
NouriFusion's Multivitamin Eye Gel – especially as I
don't sleep well anyway so often
appear tired.
skin underneath the
eyes is much more
delicate than on the rest of the face so a
normal moisturiser is usually too
heavy for use here.
NouriFusion's Multivitamin Eye Gel is designed for all skin types and contains
vitamins A, C and E as well as extracts of
ginseng and cucumber to
tighten and
smooth the area.
Apply by
gently patting some of the
gel under and around the
eyes – I always use my
little finger for a
lighter touch – to
refresh them. It has an instant "
pick me up" feel and brings
instant relief.
Even better
NouriFusion's Multivitamin Eye Gel can be used at any time and
over make-up which is great if you suffer from
hay fever and get
puffy eyes during the day.
stockist details please call 0845 056 0606 and for
further information on NouriFusion products please
NouriFusion's Multivitamin Eye Gel £23.20/15ml