publication date: Mar 6, 2010
author/source: Olivia Coates

As I am
heavily pregnant I am desperately trying to
avoid the dreaded
stretch marks. Many think it goes with the
territory, but I am a firm
believer that this is not the case but even if
moisturising twice every day doesn’t
prevent them – it
can’t do any harm.
OP Therapy Body Hydrator with Emu Oil is a rich hydration treatment,
healing and restoring tired and
dry skin, whilst soothing,
firming and moisturising. It is also meant to
reverse the ravages of
aging. It has a
delicate fragrance of herbal plants and oils, which is
calming, making the whole
experience enjoyable.
The cream
does not leave a greasy residue and is
absorbed into the skin very
quickly, although as the
cream is thick it does need to be
rubbed into the skin more than once. This too means you
use less cream with each application (I got a bit
carried away with my first go!) and therefore the cream
lasts longer. As it is
absorbed quickly, it means that the skin is
nourished but dry, allowing me to get
dressed soon after without having to wait for it all to be absorbed. (A
bonus as I am not known for my
I would
recommend the Body Hydrator with
Emu Oil for those with
dry or sensitive skin and for use on
scars or
stretch marks. A
burn mark on my arm has
visibly faded after using the cream. Whilst
testing the cream my
hands, which often suffer from
eczema, have been
less inflamed and chapped.
Body Hydrator is one of the star products from the
OP Therapy range – all products are
free from colourants,
parabens, petrochemicals, sulphates and harsh
chemical preservatives.
OP Therapy Body Hydtrator with Emu Oil retails at £4.30/250g for
stockists call 020 7471 4826 or visit