publication date: Jan 30, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

As babies become
toddlers and gain more weight, pushing them around in a large,
heavy buggy can begin to seem like a
weight-training session. That's why I particularly like the
Quicksmart Easy Fold Stroller as it is light and
easy to manoeuvre.
When delivered, the
stroller needs no assembling – it
unfolds and clicks into shape in
seconds. It looks smart (no pun intended) and
modern and
Harriet was delighted to try it out.
folding it back down took a bit more application and I think I need a bit more
practise at it. That said, once
folded it slips neatly into a
bag fitted with a handle for
carrying. The folded buggy is
easy to store and even unfolded it
doesn't require too much space.
Personally, for
travelling on
holidays, I'd opt for the
Quicksmart Backpack Stroller which at only 11 pounds is
lighter and easier to carry, leaving your hands free for your child.

buggies are for use from
age six months to a weight of about 45 pounds.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Quicksmart Easy Fold Stroller (Black/ Grey)
Quicksmart Easy Fold Backpack Stroller (Red)
are both available from Amazon.