publication date: Jan 27, 2012
author/source: Hazel Bothma

Recently I got to review
Renapur Leather Balsam (which can also be used on teak).
instructions told me to use just a little on the
sponges that are provided. I could see that a
pot of this would go a
long way and is
good value for money. The
50ml pot that I received could easily do our
armchair another three times.
When I got
close up to our leather chair to apply the
Renapur, I realised that it looked
quite dry! I applied the
Renapur, and probably put on a
bit more than was advised as the
leather felt like it could do with a
good rubbing over.
I took some before and after photos which I hope show the difference. I feel like our
leather chair has being given a
facial! The leather looks
shinier and the
dryness has
gone. I am really
happy that I used this
product and our armchair looks
revived. I would
recommend that you do apply Renapur an
hour or so before guests are about to arrive. Although it
smells nice, the chair did feel a
little greasy to the touch although this very soon was
absorbed into the leather.
I would give it five stars as it did what it said it would do; was
quick and easy and made an
overall difference to our chair's appearance.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥Stockist: Order online at or by phone on 0800 993 0129.
Renapur Leather Balsam £12/200ml.