publication date: Jul 7, 2011
author/source: Anne Coates

friends and family probably get sick of my warnings about
sunburn and
skin cancer. There's nothing worse than a
reformed sunbather! And let's face it
tans look attractive. So how to
fake a tan convincingly?
First of all you should give yourself plenty of time and
prepare your skin by
exfoliating and
moisturising (the latter depends on the
product you use).
Recently I've been using
St Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday for Face which is excellent. It applies well, there isn't too much "fake tan smell" and the
result is convincing. A friend asked if I'd been away on
holiday. I used it every day for about
three days then followed with every alternate day. A little goes a
long way so this is a
cost effective product as well.
St Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday for Face £14.30/50ml available from
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Applying a
fake tan to the rest of your
body can be more of a problem.
Streaky legs and blotchy decolleté are definitely not very attractive. So I find
"wash off" tans a real boon. I generally just
use them on my legs. The
St Tropez Wash Off Instant Glow Body Lotion is great for achieving that just back from
holiday look in a few minutes.
Again it's best to prepare your skin well and not be in too much of a hurry.
St Tropez Wash Off Instant Glow Body Lotion is easy to apply and you
see instantly where you have been and where it needs
to be applied and you don't need to use
very much. Once applied you need to
wait a few minutes before dressing as the
colour may come off on clothes.The one I used is quite
dark and left a
stain on my hands that needed a
good scrub with a nail brush to
remove. The effect is
perfect. But do make sure you take care
washing it off scrupulously – I was once a bit
careless and ended up with
streaky towels after my shower.
St Tropez wash off Instant Glow Body Lotion £12.26/150ml available from
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥