publication date: May 26, 2010

woman who has ever suffered from
cystitis probably knows that
cranberries can be beneficial. But, until now no one really
knew how or why. Now there is one new
cranberry product that stands out from the crowd as it not only
treats cystitis quickly but will also help
prevent recurring attacks.
We’re giving away
ten packs of new
Urell, probably the most
efficacious cranberry product on the market today. It contains a unique
proanthocyanidin (Cranberry A-type PAC from Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton - the American Cranberry) which acts to
prevent the harmful cystitis-causing
bacteria from sticking to the
urinary tract walls. If these
bacteria are not able to adhere to the walls then they are simply
flushed out of the body in the
urine without causing a problem.
In order to
achieve this effect, an
optimum quantity of
36mg bioactive PAC is needed daily for
ten to 15 days. This will
significantly reduce the ability of the
harmful bacteria to get a grip, helping to
clear up the infection as well as reducing the possibility of
recurrence.One single
capsule of Urell is the equivalent of
drinking an additive and, sugar-free
300ml glass of cranberry juice. And if you take a capsule of Urell
within four hours of the
first symptoms of urinary tract discomfort,
research suggests you'll knock the
infection on the head.
symptoms have not started to
diminish within
two to three days then visit your
GP as you may be in danger of developing a
kidney infection.For a
chance of winning just
answer this simple question:
What is the active ingredient in Urell?
Enter hereWinners will be the senders of
first ten correct emails opened at random after 6pm on
Wednesday 23 June, 2010. One
entry per household.
Not a
winner? Take advantage of the
introductory price of £10.50 for 15 capsules (RSP £14.95) by logging on to or or by calling 0118 321 4544.