publication date: Apr 20, 2010
author/source: Sheri Rushton

If you've been wondering why you're
not attracting the amount of
money you'd like and you're not clear on what the
secret formula is for creating a life of abundance and
financial freedom, then look around you.
That's right, look around your home and what do you see? The way your home is arranged and the energy remaining there might just be
preventing money coming your way.
But I have a way to fix that. And it's not about working harder. The
secret is that when you apply the ancient
Chinese practice of placement called
Feng Shui to your home, it can create a
domino effect of positive events,
opportunities and
prosperity to arrive at your doorstep.
You see, your house either
supports your prosperity or it doesn't. The Chinese have known about this for thousands of years and they take
Feng Shui very seriously.
Feng Shui design principles in your home creates a
supportive environment for you and allows the
positive energy to flow more freely and, as a result, your
cash flow increases.
I've been a
Feng Shui consultant and worked with energy for over a decade and made some
amazing discoveries in the process. I learned that an
environment that represents your
goals and dreams will provide you with the
essential foundation to achieve your greatness. Feng Shui offers a
proven system to do just that. That's why
some people say that it
works like magic.
applying Feng Shui secrets to your home you're
taking charge of your life and you'll have the
ability to create more of what you want.
Here are my top ten tips.
- Clear your clutter. A house filled with clutter will block your abundance.
- Take a look at your home from the street. Does your house convey success and wealth? If not, make a list of things you need to do to spruce things up.
- Leaks can energize patterns that cause high expenses, so as soon as money comes in it will flow out again. Get them fixed as soon as possible!
- Bring nature indoors. Add live plants and fresh flowers around your home to circulate the chi.
- Place a wind chime outside your front entrance to get the energy moving and have it ring in new opportunities.
- Be sure that you can see your front door clearly from the street. If you can't, trim your bushes and shrubs.
- Buy a new welcome mat and put it outside your front door to welcome abundance.
- Move nine things around your home to shift the energy.
- Keep your entryway bright, clean and attractive. Be mindful of what you first see when you enter your home.
- Be sure that your house is well lit inside and out. Replace all bulbs that aren't working. The brighter, the better!
© Sheri Ruston, Energy In Motion International. All rights reserved.
Sheri Ruston, "The Flow Doctor", is the author of
Feng Shui Your Way to Wealth: Simple Room By Room Cures to Clear the Path to Prosperity which is a critically acclaimed
e-book available on her website