publication date: Aug 28, 2010
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed
cancer in the UK, and nearly
1,000 women die of the disease each month.
Breakthrough Breast Cancer is leading the fight against the
disease by developing
new treatments, raising awareness and
campaigning for better services for patients.
By running the
adidas Women’s 5K Challenge or purchasing something from the
Pink Ribbon Running Range, you will help the
charity continue to fund work dedicated to the
prevention, treatment and ultimate eradication of
breast cancer.
Pink Ribbon Running Range is the
perfect kit to train in and to wear on the
day of the run, plus 10 per cent from all items in the range is
donated to
Breakthrough Breast Cancer. ClimaCool fabrics and
FORMOTION styling offer true performance, all finished off with the
breast cancer pink ribbon. The range is available from selected retailers* nationwide, and will
generate funds to raise money for the
46,000 women diagnosed with
breast cancer each year.
adidas Women’s 5K Challenge is open to women of all ages and abilities so why not encourage
female friends and
family to join in, and sign up today. When
signing up, remember to put
Breakthrough Breast Cancer as the chosen charity and
£5 will automatically be
donated, and why not garner the support of friends and family as well by asking for

Everyone on the
Breakthrough Breast Cancer team will receive a
bright pink t-shirt and lots of
support on the day. It will not only be a day to remember, but one that will
raise funds and save lives.
Sign up at: or call: 020 7025 2422