publication date: Mar 9, 2013
author/source: Liz Earle

Children (with supervision according to age) can
easily make these deliciously good-for-you snacks for
Mother's Day.
Beauty-Boost Truffles These
choc-free truffles are the packed with
omega-goodness from nuts and seeds as well as healthy oils to help make
skin strong and clear. Best of all, they are very
easy to make and taste delicious!
You will need:
- 50g each of dates, dried apricots and sunflower seeds
- 100g raisins
- 100g porridge oats
- 50g wheatgerm or oatmeal
- 20g linseeds
- Juice and grated zest of 1 lemon
- 2 tablespoons cold-pressed rapeseed or sunflower oil
Simply whizz all of the
ingredients in a food processor until they form a firm
dough ball. Roll into individual
truffle-sized balls and put into the fridge to "set". Place in
cellophane bags tied with ribbon or pretty tissue-lined boxes for the perfect
Mother’s Day treat. Keep cool and they’ll
stay fresh for several weeks.