publication date: Jan 3, 2010
author/source: Keith Souter

habit is a form of
learned behaviour and is not likely to disappear suddenly just by taking a
medicine, whether that is an
orthodox or
homeopathic. Some form of
behavioural modification is going to be necessary.
Modifying behaviourI favour a
graded reduction of the habit and usually advise a
period of observation of how often the activity is done. This can be quite
informative to the individual, because they may hardly be aware of the
extent that the
habit has taken over their life. For example, how many
cigarettes or how many drinks are consumed? A small notebook is
useful to record whenever the person
feels the urge to carry out whatever
habit is causing the concern.
With some
habits, after the
observation period comes an agreed, realistic
reduction programme. With cigarettes, for example, you decide on a definite
stop smoking day. Then, leading up to this day, you agree a schedule of reduction. Splitting the day into three-hour increments, for example, from
waking up until going to
bed. Then allocate a
maximum number over each segment, but without being able to
borrow from one segment or
store up for later. And over this period reduce the
number of cigarettes. This way you will reduce the
physical dependence, so that by stopping day it will only be the
psychological dependence that has to be dealt with.
It is a good idea to have
habit substitutes. In the case of smoking I advise cutting
carrots, celery sticks or liquorice roots to
cigarette length and chewing them whenever the craving comes on.
Changing habitatThink of a
habitat as the places that you indulge the habit.
Smokers have had their habitat severely
restricted and many people will have
given up just by virtue of having been
forced out onto the
street to indulge their
problem drinking then avoiding the places where
temptation lurks is obviously sensible.
Taking up
new interests may help. Choose something that you have
never managed to get round to, or which may seem
out of character. If you want to
change habits, you are changing yourself, so these sorts of
changes become
symbolic of how you can make it happen.
Homeopathic treatmentAlcohol and tobacco dependence need
behavioural treatment, but the following
homeopathic medicines have all performed well in
treating people with these problems. My approach is to
prescribe 30c potency
twice a day for three days and repeat at intervals of two weeks.
- Caladium is a keynote remedy for tobacco addiction, especially in men who have noticed that they have become impotent or have erectile problems. These problems are probably due to the toxicity of nicotine.
- Capsicum is a good remedy for people who crave drugs, tobacco or alcohol and who tend towards being overweight, of a peppery temperament, and who easily feel homesick.
- Nux vomica is for fiery, irritable types who are always in a hurry and who are impatient with everyone. "Give me the remedy now," they almost demand.
above article is part of a longer version published in
Health and Homeopathy, autumn 2009.
Keith Souter MB ChB FRCGP MFHom MIPsiMed DipMedAc is a part-time
GP in Yorkshire and has a
private holistic medicine practice and is a
newspaper columnist as well as the author of
Homeopathy for the Third Age and
Homeopathy: Heart & Soul.