publication date: Feb 18, 2010

QuitKey smoking cessation device alters your smoking routine and
weans you off cigarettes gradually. The QuitKey
handheld device creates a personalised
reduction programme to help you kick cigarettes once and for all.
reminds you when to smoke and when
not to smoke. Step by step.
Hour by hour.
One day at a time.
QuitKey has been developed and proven effective in studies funded by
grants from the United States
National Institute of Health. Results
clinical trials showed that
84 per cent of patients had either completely
given up smoking or had
reduced their smoking rate by 50 per cent. One year
follow-ups showed that
all patients who had given up smoking reported
continuous abstinence.
QuitKey works in
two stages. The first stage lasts
seven days during
which you smoke at your
normal rate and use the
QuitKey smoke button to
every cigarette you smoke. QuitKey
compiles this data and uses
the information to build your
personalised quit plan.
Stage two follows immediately and can last from
14 to 34 days,
depending on the
data compiled during stage one. During stage two,
QuitKey helps you follow your quit plan by
prompting you when to smoke.
Each day you will
smoke less and gradually
reduce your nicotine
dependence. With this
gradual, step-down method you're
yourself to
quit cigarettes for good, drug-free and without
chemical-induced side effects. If you have a
bad day, QuitKey uses its
improved algorithms to help adjust the
programme accordingly, making it
easier than before to
kick the habit.
Small and discreet, QuitKey is designed to be carried on a
keychain and
has an
adjustable volume so that you can carry
QuitKey with you at all
times and keep your
stop-smoking programme to yourself.
Quitkey costs
£39.95 and is available in the UK exclusively from or by calling 0844 567 9374.