publication date: Mar 10, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

As someone who "
gave up" smoking many times, I know
how difficult it can be to give up the
habit. The time I actually
succeeded was when ti "
seemed right", and I didn't make a
song and dance about it.
What most experts
agree on is there is
no one correct way to give up cigarettes – what
works for one person might be
totally ineffectual for another.
Dr Keith Souter gives lots of helpful and
practical advice for giving up smoking in
Breaking bad habits and if you are someone who likes
gadgets then
Quitkey might be just the device for you.
smokers will benefit from the
one-to-one support available from
The Boots Smoking Cessation Programme which includes:
- A private and confidential consultation with your Boots pharmacist
- Regular counselling sessions
- Nicotine replacement such as patches, lozenges and gum*
- A Smokalyser test to assess your carbon monoxide levels**
- Expert advice on becoming smoke free - from how to curb the cravings to what health benefits to expect
Stop Smoking Service is
free (please note that
products recommended by the service such as nicotine replacement patches or lozenges
may not always be free and varies according to your local NHS Primary Care Organisation) and is available
without an appointment, up to
seven days a week. Some stores even offer a
late night opening service.
There is lots of advice and help to be found at the
Boots Smoking Cessation Health Centre and from the
NHS*Will vary according to local Primary Care Organisation service criteria & eligibility
**Available in selected pharmacies only