publication date: Jan 27, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

before Christmas a very dear friend on mine died of
ovarian cancer. To make matters
worse she was living in a different
country and was quite
isolated. Although we
emailed each other every day, I couldn't
always give her the
support or the
information she needed.
So I asked another
close friend who had had cancer and had gone through
chemo and
radiotherapy if I could pass on her
contact details. They
corresponded by email and one friend was, I think, able to
help the other although I never knew what they discussed. This in essence is what
Cancer Buddies Network is about but on a much grander scale.
network is free to join and anyone who is
affected by cancer can log on and find someone who has gone through a
similar experience and find
support and
encouragement. This is not just for those
suffering from the disease but their
friends and family too. People offer
help and advice and a kindly ear in times of
need, sometimes in the middle of the night. Often it is the
relations that get forgotten when
someone gets cancer and our
children and
teenagers are probably very
vulnerable. Here is a safe place for them to
find a friend and unburden themselves.
If you have been
diagnosed with cancer or know someone who has and
need some help and advice log on to Cancer Buddies Network (CBN) is a registered charity no 1120207. The patron is the eminent cancer specialist
Professor Ian Smith MD, FRCP, FRCPE, Professor of Cancer Medicine at
The Royal Marsden Hospitals, Sutton and London.