publication date: Nov 10, 2010
Three lucky
Parenting Without Tears readers will win each of the following
children's games:
Guess Who? The original
flip ‘n’ find face game with
new features! Now includes two sheets of
character cards: people and pets! Ask as many
questions as it takes to single out the
mystery face. Set-up and
play in seconds! Go online to
download even more

TwisterTwister… the game that
ties you up in
knots! You’re sure to get in a
twist! Spin the
spinner and make your
move. The
last person standing

OperationOperation… the silly skill game with
sound FX and fun
anatomy pieces, including textured
gooey parts! Silly sound FX
replaces the cards and a "
success" button replaces the money! There are
two skill levels making it easier for
everyone to play. Includes
storage drawer so you don’t lose any of the fun
anatomy parts.
BuckarooLoad up the mule and see
how much he can carry, but be careful… he might
buck and everything will
fly!To be in with a
chance of winning just answer this simple question:
Which games company is sponsoring this competition?Enter hereWinners will be the senders of the first
three correct emails opened at random after 4pm on
Wednesday 8 December, 2010. One
entry per household.
For further information on
Hasbro toys and the perfect gifts for Christmas please visit
If you don't win or can't wait these
games are available from
Guess Who? Game
Operation Silly Skill Game