publication date: Jan 8, 2010

More than a
third of parents of 15 to 24 year olds have
not spoken to their children about any
sexually transmitted infections (STIs), according to a
poll out today to mark the
second phase of the new
teenage pregnancy and
sexual health advertising campaign.
While most parents know that
chlamydia can lead to
infertility in women, far fewer
realise that the infection could affect their
son's future chances of having children too.
overwhelming majority of parents are aware that
chlamydia is widespread among
young people. But one in five believe their son or daughter isn't the type of person to sleep around and 14 per cent believe he or she
isn't having sex at all.
Populus survey of 2,000 young adults and parents shows:
- Almost two thirds of young people don't use a condom when they have sex with a new partner for the first time.
- Nine out of ten don't get tested for STIs before starting a new relationship, leaving themselves and their partner at risk.
- One in five young people doesn't realise catching chlamydia can affect a woman's fertility.
study, conducted on behalf of the
Department of Health and the
Department for Children, Schools and Families marks the launch of a new advertising campaign,
Chlamydia, Worth Talking About.
information around chlamydia testing, contraception and sexual health, visit