publication date: Sep 30, 2011
author/source: Harriet Elliott
To set the scene, I do have a
Fireman Sam obsessed
son and I live in a very
noisy household but this
game went down a storm with my
children. It is really a
toy (a battery-operated
Fireman Sam figure that spins with the
TV series voice over and music) masquerading as a
game and for that reason the
game officianados amongst us might think it a
bit poor. Indeed it was
hugely simplistic when I played it – it’s essentially a glorified
game of pairs.But what was
amazing was how my boys, aged
seven and
three and half (the one year old
loved the sound), enjoyed
playing it on their own and
creating their own
rules. They took their
cues from the pictures on the
box and played it "free-style" and had lots of
only downside? I don’t think I can bear hearing a
Welsh accent for some weeks now!
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Jumbo Fireman Sam Spin and Rescue Memory Game
is available from Amazon.