publication date: Nov 16, 2007
author/source: Sian Minett

Logiman range consists of
ten figures (Agent, which is reviewed here;
criminal; civilian; policeman and the
red and
green armies which each consist of three figures).
According to the packaging, the
Agent belongs to the
Logicity Intelligence Agency and works with the
Logicops to spy on criminals and the
evil red army.
Logiman Agent comes in a number of parts that are
simple to assemble, even or a child. With his
movable limbs and long
flexible neck, he has a sound
sensor that makes his
eyes flash when he detects a loud
Six year-old
James - unlike his teenage sister - found this
fun, but unfortunately the batteries didn't last long due to the
constant barrage of various loud
noises as James
investigated what aural stimulation Logiman Agent would
respond to!
Logiman Agent's feet are
magnetic and James also enjoyed
experimenting to see which
metal surfaces he could attach the toy to.
problem is that the opportunities for continued
interest with Logiman
Agent are limited: James soon tired of the
Agent and, for what could be his
stake-out in our house, he has now spent a week or so
suspended by his
magnetic feet from the
keyboard stand!
NB: Maybe James just needs some more
Logimen so they can
interact together!
Logiman Agent costs £11.95 and is available from