publication date: Mar 9, 2011

Well what is there to love about
smoking? At best it makes you
smell horrible and at worst it will
kill you. Yet people become addicted to
tobacco and for many that
addiction is just too strong to break.
However Professors
Karen Pine and
Ben Fletcher of the University of Hertfordshire, have come up with a six week
Love Not Smoking programme which uses proven
psychological techniques to help you:
- train your brain to anticipate different rewards
- swap old habits for revitalising ones
- learn new ways to relieve stress and get pleasure from life
Love Not Smoking, published by
Hay House, is divided into three parts.
Part 1 is all about the
programme and has chapters on how to
help someone to quit and how to involve the
children plus case studies.
Part 2 is the six week
Love Not Smoking: Do something Different programme: each day has a
task to fulfill complete with
facts and tips to help you on your way.
Part 3 concentrates on
Relapse Prevention.
Judging by the number of hits our
quitting smoking articles receive,
giving up smoking is a priority for so many people so
Parenting Without Tears is delighted to be able to offer ten copies of
Love Not Smoking: Do something Different to ten lucky readers.
To be in with a chance of winning, just answer this simple question:
Who publishes Love Not Smoking: Do something Different?Enter hereWinners will be the senders of the
first ten correct emails opened at random after 4pm on
29 March, 2011. Only
one entry per household.
If you want to
start the programme now buy
Love Not Smoking: Do Something Different
from Amazon.