publication date: Jan 7, 2013

The latest
scientific research from
Ateronon, dubbed "
the tomato pill", reveals that having a
Mediterranean diet could be the key to
living longer. The combination of fresh vegetables, fish and olve oil and grilled meats followed by fresh fruits is an excellent diet to follow. But scientists have at last unlocked the
health-giving secret of the
Mediterranean diet, which allows populations in
Southern Europe to live up to
ten years longer than their Northern counterparts.
After decades of
research to establish which of the staple
Mediterranean foods has the biggest effect, experiments have identified
lycopene, a key nutrient in
tomatoes and
red fruits, as a principal source of this
health benefit.
Ateronon’s latest research has shown that
lycopene boosts the elasticity and
efficiency of blood vessels, reducing the
hardening of the arteries, which occurs with age and improves blood flow.
The research team from
Cambridge University has found that taking
Ateronon, a newly developed version of
lycopene, improves absorption into the blood to levels way above those naturally achieved by a
Mediterranean diet.
Mediterranean populations have always enjoyed a protective effect against
heart disease from their diet, and dozens of researchers have already suggested
tomatoes may be the source of this protection, though until now, an explanation of the
mechanism involved has remained elusive.
Ateronon is a naturally sourced
food supplement, it has no known side effects when taken as directed and can be taken
alongside prescription medication too, however, it’s always best to
consult your GP or pharmacist before taking if you have any questions.
Ateronon is available to
buy online and is priced at £29.99 for one box of 30 capsules. It is also available to buy in Boots stores and
independent pharmacies across the UK.