publication date: Mar 18, 2011
author/source: Helen Hunt

Rachel's Organic Yogurt Diet devised by
Monica Grenfell is an
exceptionally well put together
diet with clear instructions about the
Must Haves and
Diet No-Nos! I
liked the fact that the
diet tells you exactly
what to eat for
each meal, rather than having to think about "points" or "sins".
breakfast choices are the same for
each day of the diet, but there are then two choices of dish for
lunch and the
evening meal with recipes for many of the
dishes also included. In addition to the
meals, you can also
125g or 150g of low fat fruit yoghurt twice during the day.
To accompany the
daily menu choices,
there are daily
exercises, which are clearly illustrated,
easy to follow and
suitable for people of all
shapes and sizes. For most days of the diet there is also a
Beauty Tip, such
as using
egg white, yoghurt and olive oil to get hair back into a good condition, and for
me these
tips provided a great
boost on days when the
going got tough.
I finished the diet
8 lbs lighter first time round (I
cheated and had a glass of champagne at a friend's
birthday party!) and
lighter second time round and would
thoroughly recommend the diet as it's easy
to follow with interesting and
nutritious meals.
I can honestly say that I
didn't feel hungry and towards the
end of the
14 days did not always feel the need for
yoghurt between meals to
top me up. The only possible
downside for people embarking on the
diet is that you do need to
think ahead
in terms of shopping also
preparing food to take to work.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥For the
free diet and exercise plan log on to
Rachel’s website