publication date: Dec 10, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

oral health is, a recent study suggests, a good
indicator or a person's overall
health. Research has shown links between
poor oral hygiene and
gum disease as risk factors in conditions like psoriasis, heart and lung disease, premature and
low birth weight babies and a number of other conditions.
Another study has revealed that
cleaning your teeth without
flossing is comparable to washing
65 per cent of the body and leaving 35 per cent untouched and a target for
bacterial growth.
It has also been shown that people do not replace their
toothbrushes frequently enough (at least every three months) or keep them
germ free (a 15 minute soak in
Milton does the trick). So when looking for that
extra item to pop into a
Christmas stocking think of a new
toothbrush and for teens and adults add some
dental floss.
I recently tried
DenTek's Triple Clean Floss Picks which have a fluoride coating. There is quite a
knack to using them, I found, and one actually broke in my mouth. The
Scrubbing Floss is used between the
teeth and the end of the plastic holder is used a a
toothpick while the whole thing can also be used at a
tongue cleaner.
I'm not sure that the
DenTek Triple Clean Floss Picks have much advantage over ordinary
dental floss. The picks come in
packs of 30 for £5.08 available from Boots.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥