publication date: Jun 7, 2010

Should you
feed the birds in summer, and how do you
encourage butterflies into the garden? These are all questions which can be answered by new manager
Dan Mead who joined
Merriments Gardens in Hurst Green this week as their new wild bird centre manager.
Dan was part of the
education and conservation team at
Sissinghurst Castle Gardens before joining Merriments. Dan is also joined by
bird expert Phil Mason who will be working at
Merriments Bird Centre on Fridays and Saturdays.
Dan is planning to introduce an
education programme including a new area designed to grow the
wildlife experience at Merriments which will link the
wild bird shop to the plant nursery and
wildlife activity in the foour acre gardens.
Dan also wants to
highlight how important
gardens are to our
wildlife, especially when such a
high percentage of all green space in the
UK is made up of gardens. Any help we give to
wildlife through
feeding and putting up
nest boxes will help to
halt the decline of our country’s wildlife.
Merriments Gardens including the wild bird centre, shop, nursery and
restaurant are open daily
Monday to Saturday between 9 and 5pm and on
Sundays between 10.30 and 5pm.
Entrance into the gardens is free to
Garden Club members or £4.50 for adults and £2 for children over five.
Merriments is situated on the A229 and is signposted off the A21 at
Hurst Green.
more information about Merriments Gardens visit or call 01580 860666