publication date: Jul 26, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

If there's one thing the
Australians know about (having learned the hard way) it's the importance of
sun protection. So the arrival in the UK of the
Platypus Australia range of
UV protective swimwear is a bonus for parents.
children's delicate skin from
UV rays is a must but it's sometimes a trial to get an
adequate amount of sunscreen onto a wriggling
toddler or a non-cooperative
older child. So the two pronged attack of sunscreen and
protective clothing makes sense especially as
some fabrics are penetrated by
UV rays.
Harriet was very happy to try out her
Sunshirt SS (short sleeves) even though it was a tight fit over her head. The
Lycra Broadshorts were just cute! The
only drawback was that once in the water the
Sunshirt parted company from the
Lycra Broadshort so one would need to be careful of exposure.
Both items were
rinsed well in cold water after use and left to
drip dry flat as per the
care instructions and are well made so should wear well.
PWT rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥For the full range of
sun protective swimwear for boys and girls aged two to 14, visit
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