The sequel to Charlie P. Brooks' Sammy and the Extra-Hot Chilli Powder, Sammy and the Stolen Paintings is another warm and super funny family comedy told from the perspective of Sammy the sniffer dog – perfect for younger readers aged seven and up.
Setterpoo Sammy has a brilliant sense of smell. She can sniff out absolutely anything. When Sammy uncovers a forged painting and is dognapped by villain Monsieur de Noir, she needs Best Human Friend, Beanie, Robin the sheepdog and Mogpuss the cat to help her out.
Together the friends must launch a rescue mission to find Sammy in Paris, and recover the real painting before it’s too late.
Illustrated by Steve May who does a fantastic job of depicting hilarious scenes, Sammy and the Stolen Paintings will engage young readers' sense of humour with references to "bottom music" and the like!
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Published by HarperCollins Children's Books, Sammy and the Stolen Paintings is available from bookshops and online.