publication date: Dec 2, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

To begin with
Scrabble® Trickster looks very similar to the orignial
Scrabble® game – you begin with
seven tiles and combine them to make
words that link into each other on the
board. But now in stead of hoping for a
triple word score you'll be praying you play across on a
trick square. For here is your chance to
break the rules!Play across a
trick square and you can
change the course of the
game by stealing your
opponent's last score, exchanging any number of tiles from the bag
plus make a
word or just
swapping racks with another player if he or she is looking too
smug. The only
problem is your opponents can equally
cheat on you!
This is a great
family board game – recommended for children from
age ten – and because the
game can change so rapidly there's little chance of less able
word experts getting bored. There are
22 trick cards to ensure that no one
player leads the field and for once you may be able to use a
proper noun!
It's enough to make the designer of the Scrabble,
Alfred Mosher Butts, turn in his grave!
Mattel Scrabble Trickster
is available from Amazon.