publication date: Aug 24, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

The great family board game
, Pictionary® has been
entertaining people of all ages for the past 25 years
. All you have to do is
sketch, doodle and draw clues to illustrate a word for
other players to guess as you
race against the clock.

I have always loved
Pictionary® not because I'm a
great artist but for the times I've
laughed so much I've had
tears running down my face! I can still
remember how frustrated
my mother used to get when we
couldn't guess her word from impossibly
skimpy sketches.
The game is
perfect for groups of
four to eight players and anyone over about
eight can join in.
With the new
25 years edition there are two levels of cards for
adults and
children. So while junior draws a
zebra with a flourish,
older players will struggle to illustrate "
Mattel Pictionary Family 25 Anniversary
is available from
Amazon and retail outlets, £19.99.