publication date: Oct 8, 2010
author/source: Brian O'Neill

boys (Matt and Ben – both ten) were able to test
MySims – SkyHeroes on
Wii and
Nintendo DS. They took zero interest in the
exotic location which says more about the
game than anything as Ben especially is a
transport afficionado. They
played solidly for the best part of
two hours so it certainly
gripped them!
I was
particularly struck by the way it didn't
wind them up – a bonus for a
parent. They
played calmly and sociably the whole time in a way that they don't with
other games. In fact I would
normally expect them to need resting from
electronic stimulation well before we had to go.

The boys liked
MySims – SkyHeroes because of the "freedom" as they put it. The
levels were apparently fun to
achieve, helped considerably by the ability to
fly all over the place in
dogfights. Matt has always like a
good roam around in
cyberspace and this fitted the bill. It made them
happy to play and they were relaxed afterwards.
adults present were
helpful without being intrusive. The boys felt very
in control of what they were doing and this added to their
enjoyment. I would
certainly recommend it to any parent as a
present for all the
pluses described above. It made an
excellent change from the usual highly charged
competitive atmosphere – the same seemed to apply to the
other children there.
Beyond enjoying
flying around the boys restricted their
comments to saying that they didn't really think it worked so well on the
DS. They looked
extremely surprised when I asked them if they thought it
good and seemed puzzled by the concept that it could not have been good. "
Of course it was good".
We had a
long journey home that was passed in a
companionable manner brought about by the
quiet satisfaction with the game. If that all seems a bit
low key, it was only in retrospect that I realised
how much they had enjoyed
MySims – SkyHeroes. One for the
Christmas stocking.
Available from Amazon:My Sims - Skyheroes (Wii)
My Sims - Skyheroes (Nintendo DS)
My Sims - Skyheroes (PS3)
My Sims - Skyheroes (Xbox 360)