publication date: Sep 30, 2010
author/source: Georgina Collins

Despite putting on a
brave face, my son Sandy was pretty
devastated when he was told at the start of the
summer holidays that he would
not be able to run, climb or jump for at least
six weeks. BORING!!! Imagine his
delight when I informed him that he had been chosen to play with a
Chuggington train set! As he said, “Mummy,
I’m lucky aren’t I”!
If you’ve managed to escape,
Chuggington is the current train based kids’ TV programme on
CBeebies. A computer
animated modern update on the classic
Thomas the Tank Engine, with adventures and subtle "
real-life" lessons on everything from
valuing friendship to listening carefully.
With the
Chuggington train set Sandy got to play with his favourite “trainee” trains or “
chuggers” (as they are known): Wilson, Koko and Brewster. Needless to say he thinks it’s
brilliant. In particular Sandy
loves that the trains all
recognise and
talk to one another using phrases from the
TV show. It really is clever!
Also there is a
talking Vee (responsible for organising all the trains in
Chugginton) who gives the trains
jobs to do – not that Sandy necessarily
follows the instructions. Instead we have a lot of
emergency runaway trains and bridge collapses in his
Chuggington!Not only has Sandy had
lots of fun with the train set, it has also been a
hit with his friends (both
boys and girls) who have been over to play.
On the downside, the
track was a bit
tricky to put together the
first time, although there are assembly instructions to follow. And once you realise that the
pieces of track are numbered (oops!) it’s pretty
straightforward. But it isn’t something that your
average three or four year old could do
unsupervised. The "easy" coupling system was also a bit
difficult at first for small hands but I think this is mainly because it was
All Around Chuggington Interactive Train Set includes interactive Wilson, Roundhouse with Vee, tunnel, crane, bridge and 39 pieces of track. The
Smart Talk really is
impressive, the voices and
catchphrases are exactly the same as in the show. In addition Sandy also played with the
interactive Koko and
Brewster, which can be purchased separately. All are available from Amazon:
Learning Curve Chuggington Interactive All Around Chuggington Set
Learning Curve Diecast Chuggington Brewster
Learning Curve Diecast Chuggington Koko