publication date: Jun 25, 2007

This is a
useful book to have if you are thinking of trying to
change your children’s
eating habits to be
healthier, more
organic and more
fruit and
vegetable based. It explores out some of the
arguments why such a change would be
better for children – leading to
happier and more
focused learning at school and
calmer behaviour at home.
There are chapters on
How Food Builds the Brain and the different types of
food groups that are
necessary for a
healthy, developing child and what foods to
avoid. It also gives
good advice on the reading of
food labels and which
E-numbers have low levels of
toxicity. Then follow useful
suggestions for
packed lunches for
school-aged children and
recipes to use at home plus a two week
menu plan.
I found the ideas for packed lunches
particularly useful. The recipes are easy to follow and look
delicious and adaptable. The layout is
user-friendly, bright and colourful and the
recipes are
designed to allow them to be
prepared with your children and
encourage their interest in
cooking and
food. I very much
appreciated Fiona McDonald Joyce concentrating on attractive,
nutritious alternatives to burgers and chicken nuggets which we as parents have to contend with.
My child particularly enjoyed the
Sausage and Pepper Bake and the
Pitta Pizzas although the
Pear and Blueberry Smoothie had “too many bits in” for him - I loved it.
We have yet to try the
Puddings, Cakes or
Biscuits but are both looking forward to the
Chocolate Crunchies!
I was
very pleased that there were also good
suggestions about making changes to diet
cost effective as well as
nutritious as
price can be an
inhibiting factor for many of us.
Patrick Holford, a leading authority on new approaches to
health and nutrition, has written more than 20 health books - many of them bestsellers - including
Patrick Holford's New Optimum Nutrition Bible and
The Holford Low GL Diet.
Fiona Macdonald Joyce trained at both Leith's School of Food and Wine and BANT accredited Institute for Optimum Nutrition. She co-authored
The Holford Low GL Diet Cookbook with Patrick Holford.
To order a copy of the book from Amazon click below:
Smart Food for Smart Kids: Packed with easy recipes to boost your childs health and IQ: Packed with Easy Recipes to Boost Your Child S Health and IQ