publication date: Feb 13, 2013
author/source: Anne Coates

half-terms are great for spending time in a warm
kitchen and letting children do some
cooking. We'll be reviewing
Cook it step by step from
Dorling Kindersley but in the meantime have made good use of the
colourful spatula and the
Alphabet & Number Cutters from
Apollo Housewares which are great
fun to use as well as having
educational value not only with
number and letter recognition but, as children get older,
spelling and
sums with tasty treats for answers!

Alphabet & Number Cutters are the perfect size for
small hands, are
easy to use, come in blue, green, red and blue and are
easily cleaned. Plus they have a plastic "bucket" to keep them in.
Cooking is a very practical way of demonstrating
maths – weighing and measuring – as well
teaching children about
nutrition and the importance of a
balanced diet.
Lots of
fussy eaters become less so when they
prepare the food themselves!