publication date: Sep 8, 2007

British Food Fortnight’s
"Cook for Life" Challenge, sponsored by
Kenwood, is looking for
schools that
incorporate cookery in their curriculum
activities in
imaginative and
innovative ways.
Prizes will be awarded to the
best six schools in each
region and include class sets of
aprons, a bakeware selection,
digital scales, spatulas and
smoothie makers.
Alexia Robinson, organiser of the
event, says: “One of the
reasons that the
number of children eating s
chool meals has
fallen since the government introduced
healthier food is that it has not been
accompanied by lessons in
food and
nutrition. Imagine if
Jamie Oliver could visit
every school in the
country to get
children excited about
food - well
9,000 Jamies are on
offer to help
schools during
British Food Fortnight!”
Schools wanting to
recruit their own
Jamie Oliver – and to win Kenwood
cooking equipment - should go to
Contact details of chef and
catering organisations committed to working with schools during British Food Fortnight can be found in the
Teacher Zone section of the site
parents there's a
great selection of
recipes on the
site and
tips on how to
incorporate more
British food into our