publication date: Apr 4, 2011
author/source: Anne Coates

According to
research published recently many
children's diets are not meeting their
nutritional needs – and this during a time when we have never had so much
advice about what
children should be
Children's Nutrition: A Parent's Guide from
Need-2-Know offers parents a
comprehensive overview of what a child should be eating from
weaning to the teenage years. Authors
Angela Falashchi and
Andréa Childs include
tips and
advice on preparing food for
small children, coping with
fussy eaters and menues for
teens taking exams as well as confronting issues like the
overweight teenager.The second part of
Children's Nutrition: A Parent's Guide is devoted to
healthy recipes – each one preceeded by a little note about its qualities – from
Good Start Breakfasts to
Tasty Family Dinners with a final chapter on
"Medicine Cabinet Meals for when a child is feeling poorly.
Some of the
recipes are fairly run of the mill which you would find anywhere but the
Halloumi Kebabs sounded appetising as did the
Mackerel Fishcakes.
I feel it is the
information in the first six chapters that
Children's Nutrition: A Parent's Guide worth buying. Plus there is a good
Help List at the end.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Children's Nutrition: A Parent's Guide
is available from Amazon.