publication date: Nov 23, 2010
author/source: Louise Pollard

Sound Asleep Pillow has speakers inside, enabling the
listener to
hear their favourite music,
podcasts or radio shows through the
pillow without the use of
My number one
question for this product is "
Why?" Why would you need to do this? Lying on a
pillow implies going to
sleep, and
my view is that when we go to
sleep we need
peace and quiet. Nowadays so many
young people and adults do not seem to function without having
music/noise in their ears almost constantly. This is a
worrying trend and one that
products like this seem to extend even further.
Sound Asleep Pillow stated that this is
not to be used for children
under five years old due to the strangulation risk (the
detachable lead of the jack extends out of the pillow). I would maintain that for
older children if they like to go to
sleep with music or a
story playing in the background then it is still
better to have it playing on a
CD player away from the bed.
I wondered about
adults who may have
trouble getting to sleep or who wake up and cannot get back to sleep, using this product. If they
share a bed I thought that the
Sound Asleep Pillow may be useful by offering
fewer disturbances to your partner. However despite the fact that the
product overview stated that you can "listen to your personal sounds that only you can hear" the fact that it is inside a pillow
does not block out the sound completely to
others in the room.
On the
plus side it is a very nice,
soft pillow, the equipment within
cannot be felt when lying on it, and this is
better than a child or adult going to
sleep with
headphones in their ears. The
Sound Asleep Pillow may be useful for
car journeys, or perhaps your
pillow of choice when you are
camping as early nights are often on the cards, so
listening to music while
snuggled into a sleeping bag with your head on a
cosy pillow could be very much appreciated.
more information please visit: