publication date: Nov 20, 2010
author/source: Phil & Naomi Wilce

eight months, Dylan had already out-grown his first
car seat. So with his
comfort in mind and plenty of
driving on the horizon we fitted our new
Graco Nautilus car seat.
boxed, we had the
new seat ready in moments. The
instructions were simple and
plentiful. We sat Dylan in the
seat to
adjust the straps before putting him in the car. All,
very easy work: with a flip of a switch we had him
strapped in and
smiling, the photo doesn't lie.
Graco Nautilus is incredibly
versatile. It'll
seat Dylan until he's
12 – it becomes a
booster seat for older children. (The
specifications say it's suitable for
babies weighing 9-36kg / 20-79lbs.) In its present form, it's certainly
very easy to fit into the
back seat of a car. One t
hree-point seatbelt easily holds it in place, without a base, that means it's
easy to take out and refit quickly. What's more, its "
universal" design means it'll fit most
On our first outing the the
Graco Nautilus, Dylan sat and
chatted to himself, giving us
big smiles whenever we turned around throughout the
hour-long journey. His
big smiles meant big smiles for us. He was
comfortable, upright and
cosily cushioned on both sides of the seat; and
secure with an easy-release,
over-the-shoulders seat belt. The only downside we thought was the seat
didn't recline far, so on the
return journey a tired Dylan wasn't ideally seated to
That said, the
Graco Nautilus seat is simple, stylish and
practical; it even comes with a
cup holder. And we're already looking forward to lots more
family trips with Dylan happily
smiling away, all the way.