publication date: Dec 12, 2012
author/source: Anne Coates

holiday venues have
laundry facilities but not all do. Plus if you have
young – and not so young! –
children you may need to
wash clothing quickly without have to do a whole washing-machine load.
The Scrubba™ wash bag is perfect for this situation.
the ultra-light
pocket-sized device fuses old and
new technology by integrating a
flexible washboard inside a high-tech
water-tight bag. This very portable, hand-powered travel gadget only requires a
couple of litres of water and a small amount of
detergent, making it
environmentally friendly as well.
Just add the
hot water, some detergent and your clothes,
deflate the bag and pummel for three to five minues. Empty dirty water and add fresh to rinse. Simple!
The Scrubba™ wash bag is perfect for
gap-year travellers and makes a handy and very useful
going-away present.
PWT rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ The Scrubba™ wash bag is £37 from with free shipping.