publication date: Aug 5, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

Increasingly people are turning to
pilates to strengthen and exercise their bodies.
5 Day Fit Pilates from
Gaiam offers five workouts:
- Easy Pilates – step-by-step guide to the fundamentals of pilates, enabling you to master them at your own pace
- Maintenance Pilates for weight loss – a high intensity programme designed to burn more calories and keep the pounds off
- Cardio Pilates – invigorating fusion of classic Pilates and fat-burning exercises
- Am Pilates – a morning workout to get you moving
- PM Pilates – a workout to help you unwind after a stressful day
So far I've only tried the
AM Pilates and this was
easy to follow and I felt ready to
face the day afterwards!
Jillian Hessel is a master Pilates trainer and certified ACSM and ACE
fitness instructor. Jillian turned to yoga after a
dance injury and after seeing the great
benefits she became a teacher.
Ana Cabán is an award-winning
Pilates instructor who also suffered a dance injury and turned to
Pilates for rehabilitation.
5 Day Fit Pilates [DVD]
is available from
Released at the same time is
Gaiam: 5 Day Fit Weightloss [DVD] [2010]
also available from