publication date: Aug 25, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

Many years ago I followed a course of
Alexander Technique lessons and loved the way my
body felt afterwards. At a basic level, relearning how to
sit and stand may seem a little silly (it's what we do all the time) but it's amazing how much
less strain there is on the
back when letting your
thighs do the work when rising from a chair!
Some time later I heard about the
Alexander Technique being applied to
swimming and was really interested but unable to find a local class. As someone who
swims keeping my
head out of the water, I know what a
strain this produces on the
neck, shoulders and
lower back.
Then I met
Roger Golten, known as
Dr Posture, who has devised
Zen Swimming. Six to eight
lessons should have you performing a
perfect stroke of your choice. I had one lesson. The first thing Roger
advised was to get a good pair of
goggles – he recommends
Aqua Sphere Vista goggles and had a pair with him for me to wear. And, after a brief talk about his t
echnique we were in the water.
For the
first time in I don't know how long I had my
face in the water! Roger explained how to stand up in the
water by unrolling from your
swimming position, head last. We also
glided through the water,
floated and gradually introduced the arms and legs into the
crawl. Zen swimming is conscious swimming that is actually good for you, your
neck, back and shoulders. Most
recreational swimmers hunch shoulders, strain knees and exacerbate back and neck pain. They don't know when to
apply the effort and when to be
relaxed, and haven't understood that it is the
timing of the
arms/legs that makes
breathing easy.
Roger Golten is a kind and inspiring
teacher and currently conducts lessons in central
London.I came away from my
lesson determined to put in practise what I had
learned – and to buy a pair of
Zen swimming is a combination of the
Shaw Method and the principles of
Hellerwork – adapted specifically for the water, to learn more or to
book lessons visit
Roger Golten's book
The Owners Guide to the Body
is available from Amazon.