publication date: Jan 30, 2011
author/source: Alex Bell
Cinderella is such a classic and much loved
fairytale and the
Collins Big Cat Drama of
Cinderella is a wonderful, fun and
fast-paced version to the story. It has been written by
David Wood OBE, an acclaimed children's author famed for bringing 70-plus
children's classics to life on stage.
The story is presented as a
play featuring all the
main characters and would be wonderful to perform with
primary aged children.
Toby is six and has enjoyed
reading this book to his sister,
Pippa (nearly three). Pippa is
extremely keen on the book and has
insisted on it being read every night since seeing
Cinderella on the stage at
Greenwich Theatre on Boxing Day!
Collins Big Cat series is designed for use in
schools but is a fun read with pacey prose and
charming illustrations. It feels both
familiar yet
contemporary thanks to the entertaining
newspaper exclusive at the end of book which reports on "
The Ball of the Year" and the Prince's horror that the
shoe might fit one of the
ugly sisters. This section certainly
appealed to Pippa and Toby.
Toby and Pippa are really looking forward to reviewing
Shaun's Big Show at half term which is one of
David Wood's adaptations of the
Aardman classic
Shaun the Sheep and tours from February 2011.
Collins Big Cat - Cinderella: Band 10/ White
is available from Amazon.