publication date: Feb 14, 2011
author/source: Sue O'Neill

Joshua Jay’s
Amazing Book of Cards seems to be targeted at the
card- obsessive. It tells you how to do
almost everything possible with a
pack of cards: shuffling, tricks, building card houses and even
novel ideas like how to
create a calendar using a pack of cards. I was
fascinated to see various
cheating methods explained, including how to
mark cards and card “shaving”. This really is a
mine of information!
Luckily it’s written in an
easy and amusing tone, so that even the
card novice can get drawn in to the
instructions. All the
tricks and shuffles have clear instructions and
photographs of the steps involved. The
only drawback is the requirement for
new, or nearly new,
pack of cards for some of the
Joshua Jay's
Amazing Book of Cards is well structured, with the
instructions broken up by plenty of
amusing anecdotes and “quizzes”, which reveal i
nteresting facts like the possible origins of the
four kings.
Joshua Jay's
Amazing Book of Cards would be a great buy for anyone interested in
card tricks or gambling, but also could be a
rainy day favourite for those keen to learn
new skills to impress their friends.
The Amazing Book of Cards: Tricks, Shuffles, Games and Hustles
is available from Amazon.