publication date: Jul 6, 2010
author/source: Olivia Coates

Morph Baby Carrier is unique as it is designed to let parents have their
own harness and therefore prevents tricky
adjustments when out and about. The
pod is based on
extensive research and anthropometric data, ensuring a perfect fit for both parents.
parent harness comes in two sizes, which enables the parents to create two
perfectly fitted harnesses without having to
adjust one harness each time they use it. The parents can take
both harnesses out with them enabling them to share the load. This is
really useful as Harriet is getting very heavy!
Morph Baby Carrier harness has wide
ergonomic straps and padding creating
maximum support and comfort, distributing the
baby's weight evenly across your back and hips. It has one-handed
adjustable straps around the waist and shoulders, to help to achieve the
perfect fit. They can be easily
reached while
wearing the harness too. Worn like a jacket, the
harness is quick and easy to
remove when not needed, and
cannot be seen under a coat or cardigan.
baby pod can be used
face-to-face from birth, then
front-facing as the baby gets older, something I think Harriet is
looking forward to as I think she is sick of my face and my singing!
The pod also
expands as the baby gets bigger. The pod can be
fully removed from the harness with a five point fixing system, and
still holds the baby
safely inside, enabling an
easy pass from parent to parent. It has an
adjustable head and
back support that grows with the baby, a soft breathable
moulded structure providing ventilation and an adjustable leg and waist feature, ensuring the child's legs and arms are in the
physiologically correct position. The pod comes in various colours too.
extra liner is great as it can be
removed and washed and protects the pod underneath. As Harriet is prone to
dribbling a lot at the moment - being able to
wash the liner is a bonus!
There is also an
optional rain cover - which, lets face it - always comes in handy! It is easily
stowed away in one of the
side straps so is not ever
forgotten or lost and therefore is not added to the already
overflowing list of things to remember when
embarking on an outing with a baby.
Morph Baby Carrier from
Mamas and Papas costs £50 for the
pod and £25 for each