publication date: Jul 16, 2011
author/source: Anne Coates

I'm a great fan of
Jill Murphy's books and her
Worst Witch series was a
great hit in our house. However my daughter didn't much appreciate
Five Minutes' Peace mainly, I think, because she thought I was
hinting I'd like some quiet time!
Mother Knows Best! which Jill Murphy also illustrated is dedicated to "
all mums everywhere" and I have a suspicion it's
written more for the
mothers who will be reading it to their small children.
book is a sort of "life in the day of"
Bradley, a small bear who continually asks his mum
questions beginning with "
can I wear my pyjamas all day?" Then it's on to a
request for ice cream for breakfast, a
suggestion of a dinosaur as a pet and so on throughout the day. Each
question begins with a "
Mu-u-um" and is followed by a "
Why not?" when his mother
turns down a demand. By the afternoon she is
exasperated when he asks to go to the
park by himself, loses her cool, and shouts "
because MOTHER KNOWS BEST!" And off they go to the
park together.
This is an
enchanting book from the
award-winning author-illustrator who depicts family life and the
irrational demands of our offspring in a gently
amusing way.
PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Mother Knows Best
is available from Amazon.