publication date: Mar 12, 2012

This brand new DVD
Thomas & Friends: Up, Up and Away (release date 19 March) is a colourful selection of
uplifting tales which finds
the eager little
blue engine and his
steamie friends helping out on the Island
of Sodor.
Percy have a "special special" job to do as they try and try again to bring
balloons to
Mr Bubbles' Big Balloon Show. At the
Children's Steam Fair, Emily
learns there are great rewards - and laughs - in helping others;
Kevin the
crane tries his hand at being a steamie, and Thomas has a wonky whistle! Up, up
and away for fun and adventure on the
island of Sodor.
To be in with a
chance of winning one of these
Thomas & Friends DVDs just answer this simple question:
When is Thomas & Friends: Up, Up and Away being released?
Enter here members
Enter here non-members
Winners will be the senders of the
first eight correct emails (two members and six non-members) opened at random after 4pm on
Monday 9 April, 2012.
One entry per household.