publication date: Sep 2, 2010
author/source: Anne Coates

nice to know I have something in common with
Leonardo Di Caprio and
Simon Cowell – and it certainly isn't their
millions! They are both wear
EFX hologram wristbands which apparently i
ncrease balance, give you more
strength, reduce
pain from injuries, prevent
jet lag as well as help with
motion sickness.
Just like any
alternative medicine or therapy,
EFX hologram wristbands have their detractors but even if something is just a
placebo, if it works whose complaining? I tried the balance test on the
EFX hologram wristbands packet and my
balance was certainly
improved. For two others on the
PWT team – Olivia and Sian – there was
no difference.
However I have continued to to wear the
EFX hologram wristband and whether it's all in my mind or I have felt an improvement in my balance.

Meridian Dot in the
EFX hologram wristband are also available
separately and can be placed on any area giving you pain.
Olivia had had a
painful lower back since giving birth and tried out the
Meridian Dot. She was surprised by how much
pain relief she experienced.
downside was that the
dots lost their adhesive very quickly and, although we tried various
sticky tapes to keep them in place they invariable
fell off and got lost.
wristband and
dots are certainly worth a try – especially if you
manage to keep the
dots in place.
EXF hologram wristband costs £29.99
The Meridian Dot, pack of four costs £24.99 both available from