publication date: Feb 23, 2013
author/source: Anna Selby
Water on the inside
- Drink eight glasses of water a day. You lose 500 to 900ml of water from your body every day, more if you exercise, if the weather is hot or you spend a lot of time in a very dry environment, such as air-conditioned or over-heated offices or on planes.
- Always run the cold tap for at least a minute in the morning as chemicals can collect in domestic pipes over night and never drink from the hot water tap or water from a water-softening system as it has so many beneficial elements removed.
- Buy a water filter – cheaper in the long run than bottled water and a good one will remove the taste of chlorine and the best will also take out dissolved heavy metals and chemicals.
- Bored with all that water? Try adding a handful of mint leaves, a slice of root ginger or a squeeze of lemon to a cup of hot water - a good alternative to caffeine.
- The ultimate detox is a day spent drinking only water if you're feeling jaded. Choose a day when you can rest, relax, go for a walk or some gentle exercise – create a quiet, restful environment and drink up to seven pints of water.
Water on the outside
- Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest forms of healing. To boost the immune system, take alternating showers – start with warm water for two minutes, then turn to cool or, if you can stand it, cold (build up to this gradually), for 30 seconds, then back to warm. Alternate three times finishing with cold. Wrap yourself in warm towels and lie down for five minutes.
- Getting a cold? Spend 15 minutes in a sauna or steam room – the rise in your body temperature mimics the effects of fever, stimulates the immune system and you sweat out toxins.
- Exercising in water is very effective and, as you are buoyed up by the water, it's very gentle on the joints, so good if you have any injuries or other joint problems.
- Try a mud bath if you suffer from insomnia. Neydharting Moor mud (available in health shops or online) comes as a bath treatment and you pour it into warm, not hot, water. Stay in for at least half an hour before bedtime and don't use any soaps or shampoos in the water. it's also good for skin disorders, rheumatism, arthritis and detoxing.
- Go for a swim in the sea. Sea water is full of beneficial minerals and salts and swimming is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise, strengthening and toning muscles and building stamina. It also promotes lymph circulation which in turn boosts your immune system.
Water Secrets The Simplest Way to Health and Beauty
by Anne Selby is available as an ebook from Amazon, published by
Endeavour Press.