publication date: Nov 6, 2007
author/source: Anne Coates

This fast and fun game,
Last word, has players literally
thinking on their feet. With
category cards and
letter cards - players
aged eight and upwards, try to have the
final say by shouting out as many
right answers as they can.
So how many
animals do you know
beginning with the letter
“D” or boys’ names with the
initial “H”? Don’t
stop to think too l
first player who sets his
subject card on the stacking
board and reads it aloud, then says a word that fits the category
starts that round. He presses the button on the
timer which is set to stop at
random intervals so you never know
how long you have.
The timer is
ticking away and when it
buzzes the last person who
shouted a word
moves forward a pace on the
board. The first person to reach the
finish square wins the
There are
250 category cards so you shouldn’t be
lost for words but if you do get one you’d really
struggle with you can use your
trade-in card (one per player per game) to take the next
subject card in the pack.
Last Word is a great game to
play in teams at
family gatherings and
children’s parties.
Paul Lomond Games'
Last Word (£14.95) is available from
high street stores nationwide or to order the game from
Amazon, please click the
link below:
Tha Last Word