publication date: Sep 29, 2009
author/source: Anne Coates

Here you have
two daughters one a
young adult and the other just coming into the most
awkward phase of becoming a
teenager! And all hell has broken loose.
From your letter it seems you are doing an
admirable job in not taking sides and in
understanding that both girls have their
faults. That
isn't always the case with
parents - some do take sides. But I can see
how frustrating it must be for you.
We often have a rather
rosy image of siblings getting along
together but very often that isn't the case and there's
no rule that says you have to
like who you are
related to. It may be that when the
girls are older they'll
really enjoy each other's company but in the
meantime you need some
Sharing a bedroom can be difficult especially with the
four-year age gap at these particular ages. But in other
cultures sharing a room with
one sister would be the
acme of luxury! If most of the
arguments are about the
room, is there some way in which you can
divide it with
bookcases or other furniture so there is a
defined area belonging to each one? Having
adequate storage and insisting that both clear their own
belongings is another good strategy.
Your daughters are at very
different stages developmentally and need you in what may be
conflicting ways. You have already had a
young teenager so know roughly what to expect (although she may be
quite unlike her sibling in many ways).
Older children often feel that they have been the "
guinea pigs" and that their
younger sibling has an
easier time of it which is worth bearing in mind. The
younger daughter probably envies the
freedom her big sister has.
There are times when
either girl might want some time on her
own - or have
friends in her room - and that's probably
just the time when the other
insists on being in the bedroom. Then is a
good time to involve the other daughter in
whatever you are doing; have some
special time together. You could also
timetable when the room is for one or the
other's use - to have friends round or whatever. And you may have to
separate them when they are doing their
Ask each daughter separately - and
privately - what really
bugs her and
listen carefully to the answers. Remember that
each daughter has a right to have her
privacy respected and you should
assure her that anything she says can be
confidential. It may be that after
listening to both of them you can come up with some more