publication date: Sep 14, 2009
author/source: Tim Walder
Batman: The Bold and The Brave DVD consists of a sequence of short
cartoon films, each lasting about 15 minutes. All of them feature
Batman and Robin, although the stories do not flow from one
episode to another (they are
stand alone narratives).
Unusually, the
cartoons appear to be of the
drawn type, giving good
reminiscence value for those of us who remember the
Batman TV cartoons shown on British TV in the
1970s and
1980s. They are colourful and
action packed, with lots of c
omic strip style violence.
12 year-old (who is off school sick) has just sat and
watched the whole DVD and really
enjoyed them, despite an
initial reluctance and disappointment because he knows the recent
live action cinema films (which are
darker and more adult and in many ways
quite different).
I would recommend
Batman: The Bold and The Brave to any parent for use on a
rainy afternoon. Probably more
aimed at boys than girls and
suitable for ages four to 11 mainly.
Batman - The Brave And The Bold [DVD]
from Warner Bros Entertainment is available from Amazon.