publication date: Dec 11, 2009

uvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) has launched an online
animation tool enabling people to create between
one and five seconds of animation with a
tool box of assets, background and uploaded
photos, which they can then
send to a friend who can then carry on the
story, like an online animated game of
new tool is aimed at
raising awareness or
type 1 diabetes and JDRF – a global charity that
funds research into finding a
cure for type 1 diabetes.
research reveals that less than a
third of UK residents know of
type 1 diabetes with a further 59 per cent confusing the
autoimmune condition with type 2 diabetes - which can be
related to obesity and lack of exercise.
Type 1 diabetes can strike at
any age and there is currently
no cure. People with type 1
diabetes rely on
multiple insulin injections or pump infusions every
day just to stay alive until the cure is found.
Type 1 diabetes:
- is an autoimmune condition
that is caused when the body mistakenly attacks the cells that produce
insulin. The exact reasons why this occurs are not yet fully understood;
- is a chronic, life-threatening condition that has a
life-long impact on those diagnosed with it and their families. JDRF
exists to find the cure for type 1 diabetes;
- affects about 350,000 people in the UK, 25,000 of them children;
- reduces life expectancy by about 20 years.
About JDRFJuvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation exists to
find the cure for type 1
diabetes and its complications, and is the world's
leading charitable
funder of type 1 diabetes
research. At a global level
JDRF volunteers
and staff have been responsible for raising over
£650 million to
support type 1 diabetes
research since the charity's inception.
To find out more about JDRF's support for
World Diabetes Day visit
For the World's Biggest Flash Animation visit